Press Release
Located at SMKN 15 Bandung, Let’s Invest Girls held a workshop “The Power from Within; Financial Literacy Leadership Communications” which was attended by 50 teenage girls.
In the series of Ayo Sehat Festival 2024 events held in the yard of Gedung Sate, Bandung, the Taman Baca Anak Lebah Indonesia Literacy Foundation participated by holding an activity entitled “Pagi Penuh Cerita: Mulailah Hari dengan Buku dan Tawa”.
After five years, Indonesian international diva singer Anggun C. Sasmi will return to her homeland to hold the one-night-only solo concert, #enchantingANGGUN.
Penandatangan Nota Kesepahaman Universitas Mulawarman bersama International Association of Business Communicators (IABC Indonesia)/Perkumpulan Komunikasi Internasional Indonesia (PERKOMII), VMCS Advisory, dan NoLimit Indonesia yang diadakan di Teater Universitas Mulawarman.
Yayasan Pendidikan Investasi Muda Indonesia, through the Let’s Invest Girls program, continues its journey traveling around Indonesia, with the first destination this year being the city of Bogor.
Let’s Invest, Girls! as a non-profit organization that focuses on strengthening and empowering young Indonesian women in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross of North Sumatra Province (PMI Sumut).