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Personal Branding and Public Speaking For Professionals and Entrepreneurs

Hallo Surabaya! Tingkatkan personal branding dan kemampuan public speaking bersama Elvera N. Makki, ABC, SCMP, saat ini Founder and CEO, ... Show more
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  • Description
Masterclass Personal Branding and Public Speaking For Professionals and Entrepreneurs

Hallo Surabaya!
Tingkatkan personal branding dan kemampuan public speaking bersama Elvera N. Makki, ABC, SCMP, saat ini Founder and CEO, Communications and Social Impact Advisor VMCS Advisory Indonesia.

Vera memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun sebagai praktisi komunikasi di berbagai perusahaan baik nasional maupun multinasional, mulai dari broadcasting media, konsultan komunikasi, perhotelan, FMCG, dairy, otomotif, perbankan, hingga edukasi.

Sebagai certified ABC (Accredited Business Communicator) dan SCMP (Strategic Communication Management Professional), Vera berpengalaman mengatur strategi komunikasi dan kampanye PR brand-brand besar, termasuk bekerja di balik layar membantu pemimpin dan direksi untuk sukses berkomunikasi di publik dan dalam berinteraksi dengan media.

Dalam sesi ini, tidak hanya teori, akan dilakukan juga latihan, simulasi dan analisa umpan balik, dengan live recording video.

  • Achieve Hollywood best quality visuals out of the box.
  • With complete C++ source code access, you can study.
  • Comes with designer-friendly Blueprint visual scripting.
  • Unreal Engine provides Robust Multiplayer Framework.
  • The built-in Cascade visual effects editor enables particles.
  • Unreal Engine 4`s Material Editor makes use of physically-based.

What is the target audience?

  • You might be thinking, all of the above – and that is fine. But as a complete beginner learning Unreal Engine 4.
  • The rendering system in Unreal Engine 4 is an all-new, DirectX 11 pipeline that includes deferred shading.

Learning a new game engine as a complete beginner is very intimidating. There are a lot of tutorials, documentation and advice already out but how do you start and proceed with learning Unreal Engine 4 is unclear. You get pulled into many different directions and end up confused and overwhelmed.

I have spent a lot of time deconstructing what it takes to learn a game engine from scratch. What it is that you should focus on first and what you should avoid until later.

Pendaftaran: Klik di sini
Investasi: Rp. 2,1jt/participant

Info lebih lanjut:
Sdra. Etienne di 08111855999
Email: [email protected]

Course details
Duration 7 jam 30 menit
Level Advanced