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Corporate Training | Effective PR Measurement Evaluation


Apakah Anda tertarik untuk menjadi instruktur dan fasilitator VMCS? Jika minat Anda adalah pendidikan, komunikasi, dan Anda suka mengajar, mari bergabung dengan kami dan menjadi bagian dari tim pengajar kami.

Kirim CV ke: [email protected]

Apa Kata Mereka

"The workshop sessions were fun, very interactive, explanations related to communication programs in managing public trust were also very relevant according to the conditions and communication crises that are happening a lot at these moments.

Apart from that, I also got a lot of insights, tips and solutions from Mrs. Vera on how to deal with various problems/communication problems that arose from the experiences of participants in various agencies, of course I can also apply them where I work.

Thank you again, Mrs. Vera, I hope I can take part in training sessions and workshops on other topics at another opportunity."

Nadia Puspa Pujianthi
Corporate Communication Bio Farma

"Today's event was solid, practical, and useful"

PLN Surakarta
Tri Revi Agustina

"The material presented by Mrs. Vera is very informative, to provide information related to stakeholders, and make our insights increased."

Tri Revi Agustina
PLN Tegal

"3 words for this event, cool, inspiring and really top!"

PLN Pemalang
VMCS Academy PR Measurement

Corporate Training
Effective PR Measurement & Evaluation

In the world of PR, measuring and evaluating the success of a program/campaign is very important.

Learn how to measure PR success more comprehensively with Ms. Vera Makki (@vera.makki) who has 25 years of experience in the world of communication and has handled more than 70 PR campaigns in her career span.

Slots are limited to only 30 participants per batch.

Registration link: http://bit.ly/EffectivePRMeasurementTraining

For more information, please contact Chris di +62 811 1855999